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Leamore Primary School

An aspiring journey to a bright future


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GDPR / Freedom of Information / Subject Access Requests

Please start by reading the Freedom of Information Publication Scheme as this will help you understand the information available and where to source any additional information you may require.


We understand it can be confusing to know which to ask for, however, if you require information about your child - this will be a Subject Access Request (SAR) and the form for this can be filled in below. Subject access requests can only be made by the person requesting the information FOR THEMSELVES with the exception of children [which can be requested by the legal guardian on their behalf]. You cannot, for example, request information on any particular individual unless you are that person or are directly legally-responsible for them.


More general information about the school will usually fall under a Freedom of information request eg asking who provides art resources for the school or which company insures the building.


For help in submitting a SAR or FOI request, contact the school office on 01922 710514.
